Erik C. Baker jest inżynierem elektrykiem, zatrudnionym w firmie architektoniczno-inżynieryjnej w Pensylwanii. W ramach hobby prowadzi badania w zakresie dekompresji i fizjologii nurkowania. Opracował kilka programów komputerowych w języku fortran do obliczania i analizy dekompresji. Erik ma certyfikat nurka jaskiniowego i nurka trimix.
Dalsze lektury na temat dekompresji:
Bennett PB, Elliott DH, eds. 1993. The physiology and medicine of diving. London: WB Saunders.
Boycott AE, Damant GCC, Haldane JS. 1908. The prevention of compressed air illness. J Hyg (London) 8:342-443.
Bühlmann, AA. 1984. Decompression Decompression sickness. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Bühlmann, AA. 1995. Tauchmedizin. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Hamilton RW, Muren A, Röckert H, Örnhagen H. 1988. Proposed new Swedish air decompression tables. In: Shields TG, ed. XIVth Annual Meeting of the EUBS. European Undersea Biomedical Society. Aberdeen: National Hyperbaric Center.
Hamilton RW, Rogers RE, Powell MR, Vann RD. 1994. Development and validation of no-stop decompression procedures for recreational diving: The DSAT Recreational Dive Planner. Santa Ana, CA: Diving Science and Technology Corp.
Schreiner HR, Kelley PL. 1971. A pragmatic view of decompression. In: Lambertsen CJ, ed. Underwater Physiology IV. New York: Academic Press.
Wienke BR. 1991. Basic decompression theory and application. Flagstaff, AZ: Best Publishing Co.
Wienke BR. 1994. Basic diving physics and applications. Flagstaff, AZ: Best Publishing Co.
Workman RD. 1965. Calculation of decompression schedules for nitrogen-oxygen and helium-oxygen dives. Research Report 6-65. Washington: Navy Experimental Diving Unit.
Workman RD. 1969. American decompression theory and practice. In: Bennett PB, Elliott DH, eds. The physiology and medicine of diving and compressed air work. London: Baillière, Tindall & Cassell.